Tanya Norred, Chief Deputy Clerk of Court
318-259-2424 tnorred@jacksonparishclerk.org Areas of Work: Recording, UCC, Marriage Licenses, Birth Certificates, Webview
Rachel Shively, Deputy Clerk of Court
318-259-2424 rshively@jacksonparishclerk.org Areas of Work: Criminal, Traffic, Juvenile, Birth Certificates
Wendy Gaines, Deputy Clerk of Court
318-259-2424 wgaines@jacksonparishclerk.org Areas of Work: Civil & Probate, Protective Orders, Non-Support, Passports
Dodie Ford, Deputy Clerk of Court
318-259-2424 dford@jacksonparishclerk.org Areas of Work: Civil, Probate, Protective Orders, Passports
Gay Maxwell, Deputy Clerk of Court
318-259-2424 gmaxwell@jacksonparishclerk.org Areas of Work: Recording, UCC, Birth Certificates, Marriage Licenses